Braintree Open Portsmouth shoot – 19/11/23
Yay team! – We put on a good show at the ‘Braintree Bowmen’ event at the Gosfield School. Congratulations to Lisa (recurve) and Lynette (longbow) for their Gold medals, A Bronze medal for Irene (barebow), and a team bronze for CADAC. Well done to all our new archers who for them, this was a first competition.

May 2024: Bill Tucker Memorial Tournament:
The Colchester and District Archery Club (CADAC) is pleased to announce that we will once again host our Bill Tucker Memorial shoot, on Sunday 12th May 2024 at our Colchester Sports Park home ground. We will offer York, Hereford and Western rounds to be shot by archers of all ages and proficiencies.
Beginner’s courses and Taster sessions: CADAC has posted dates for Archery Taster sessions and Beginner’s courses for 2024.

Windsor League: Congrat’s to; Graham, Clive, Lisa, Richard, Mike and Adam on the team’s second win (out of two shot) in the Windsor League, against the Rushgreen Bowmen at Witham on Sunday 2nd July ’23. (Adam didn’t get the memo about the hats!). Thanks to Rushgreen for hosting a nice – but windy shoot.
17th Bill Tucker Memorial Tournament:
39 Archers signed up and attended CADAC’s Bill Tucker Memorial Tournament on the 14th May ’23. Despite some issues with straw-bosses that made it tough to extract arrows, the weather was cool but perfect for Archery, and a good day was had by all. Thanks to those who attended in all roles …

CADAC have scheduled three beginners’ Archery courses in 2024, as follows:
The first course – 8th, 15th, 22nd & 29th May 2024 (4 Wednesday evenings)
The second course – 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th of July 2024 (4 Monday evenings)
The third course – 14th, 21st & 28th of September 2024 (3 Saturday mornings)
The fee for the courses is £65 per person. See this page for ticketing & information.
Frostbite shoot – 12th Feb’ 2023
Congratulations and well done Lynette, Julian and Tim (Compound archers every one!) for their shooting in this morning’s well-attended Frostbite shoot.

Braintree Bowmen’s Worcester shoot – 5th Feb’ 2023:
Well done to the team attending the Braintree Bowmen Worcester shoot on Sunday (L to R: Lisa, Richard, Graham, Tim, Lynette & Mark). Congrat’s to Tim (compound) and Lynette (longbow) for their gold medals, to Richard for his silver (recurve), and to all of the team winning bronze as we came 3rd in the teams rankings.